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Brian Haughan

How long have you been with the band?*



What inspired you to start playing a brass instrument?

Came back to playing after losing my wife


What do you enjoy the most about brass banding/ music in general?

Gets you away from all the stresses in life.


What is your favourite time of year with the band and why?

Summer gets you outdoors weather permitting


Why did you choose the instrument you currently play?

Easier than than the soprano which i used to play


Within the world of brass banding and music, what would your lifetime goal look like?

At my age of 82 just to keep playing for as long as I am able


Has any one person or band inspired you, and if so how?

Len bandmaster of Markham band. Encouraging me to come back to banding. And also Claire md of Harworth who made me most welcome


What is your favourite music to play with the band and why? (Marchs, hymns, current music etc.)

Probably classical music


What do you feel makes Harworth Brass unique from other bands or 

why did you choose to play with Harworth Brass?


Came to visit as a guest and still going to rehersals.


If you had the opportunity to learn another instrument (brass or non brass) what would it be and why?



What is your favourite memory or occasion from your time with Harworth Brass, and what made it special to you?

The Christmas concerts.

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