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David Bryan

How long have you been with the band?*

4 months


What inspired you to start playing a brass instrument?

Wanted to play the trumpet since 12 or 13. The U3A organisation offered me the chance of joining a new training band which got me started on the cornet, albeit somewhat late in life.


What do you enjoy the most about brass banding/ music in general?

The challenge, the joy of making music enjoyed and appreciated by the audience and perhaps most of all, the feeling of belonging.


What is your favourite time of year with the band and why?

Summer concerts for the outdoors but also love carols, so Christmas time too.


Why did you choose the instrument you currently play?

I have always wanted to play the trumpet and the cornet is closest to that. However, since starting to play it, I have come to love the tone of the cornet.


Within the world of brass banding and music, what would your lifetime goal look like?

To be better at sight reading and ensemble playing.


What is your favourite music to play with the band and why? (Marchs, hymns, current music etc.)

Carols and music from musical/theatre and films. I also like big band and 40's jazz.


What do you feel makes Harworth Brass unique from other bands or 

why did you choose to play with Harworth Brass?

The friendly welcome and atmosphere.


If you had the opportunity to learn another instrument (brass or non brass) what would it be and why?

Flugelhorn because of the 'bell like' tones.


What is your favourite memory or occasion from your time with Harworth Brass, and what made it special to you?

So far, the big Christmas concert at Ye Olde Belle hotel.

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